I’m entering February with an impulse, or perhaps a need, to quiet my thoughts and sit gently with myself. To look into the heart of things. This aligns with the images of hearts and valentines that permeate February, but I’m not in the mood for pink this month. Only hearts.
A little research led me to the heart chakra, which is symbolized by a twelve-petaled flower. As the center chakra, it connects the earth chakras and the spiritual ones. The concept of connecting earth and spirit resonates with me. I like the way it ties into nurturing wellness.
It also ties into my word of the year, power. The heart physically keeps us alive, emotionally propels us to action. It is powerful and unrelenting.
I found colors that express my current mood, then scattered hearts and twelve-petaled flowers across my bullet journal spreads. Many of my hearts are segmented, like an actual human heart.
The cover is a foldout and includes my habit trackers. A large segmented heart anchors the page.

When the cover is opened, it reveals the Projects spread with a list of February’s tasks on the right. On the left is a grid for planning how I’ll distribute my writing time. Each column is a different week. Colored dots refer to the category (as designated by colored hearts on the task list.)

I like the simplicity of February’s calendar, with a heart tucked into one corner and a flower near the title. As usual, my weeks are vertical. The quote is from Carl Jung: “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

When folded, the cover sits next to the Reflection page. As with last month, I’m keeping a log of the most significant thing that happens each day. I’ve left space to reflect at the end of the month, with sections for general thoughts, gratitude, successes, struggles and what I want to focus on next month.

The headers for my daily entries are simple: a heart that holds the date each day. Next to each heart I write the day of the week. Except on plum hearts, which are too dark to show black ink. These I make smaller and place near the number.

How is February landing in your corner of the world? Are you looking inward too? Or are you ready to take action and drive into the year?
Love these colors and the shapes of your hearts!
Thank you!